Events & News

Marine Microbial Biotechnology Symposium and discussion

Kongens Lyngby, Denmark · 15–16 November 2012


Marine biotechnology or “Blue Biotechnology” involves the use of marine resources as the source or target of biotechnological applications. Due to the impressive diversity in biology and biogeochemistry of the marine environment, it has, for some time, been identified as a new and so far underexplored source of bioactive compounds and principles. Novel drugs and enzyme activities have been isolated from marine organisms and there are several examples of commercial use. Some of these originate from eukaryotic organisms; however, unless total synthesis or transfer of biosynthesis is possible, continuous exploitation is hampered by access to the raw material. Yet, today there are many well-acknowledged examples of compounds from marine eukaryotic organisms that are actually produced by an associated microbial community. Therefore, marine microorganisms stands out as the most promising and sustainable source of novel bioactives.
This symposium will present a range of examples of bioactives from marine microorganisms and outline some of the challenges, both chemically and microbiologically, facing the field. The symposium will also present industrial approaches to marine microbial bioprospecting.

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