Gdańsk Science and Technology Park (GSTP)

Gdańsk Science and Technology Park (GSTP) is a joint enterprise of the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, Pomorskie Voivodship, the City of Gdańsk and Gdańsk University of Technology. It is one of the key components of the Pomeranian Innovation Network, working towards the implementation of the Regional Strategy for Innovation in the Pomorskie Voivodship.

The Park provides ideal conditions for locating research and development laboratories, as well as companies using advanced technologies in such business sectors as information and communication technologies, functional materials and nanotechnologies, environmental protection, and biotechnology, food chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences. We promote education and the latest technology solutions, and support networking between tenant companies and academic institutions cooperating with us.


In the SUBMARINER project GSTP worked in close collaboration with the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk and associated organizations from Poland in the development of a roadmap for Polish coastal regions based on the potential implementation of the highest recommended innovative marine uses. As a centre for innovations, we provided connections to the local business sector and to economic advisors who can assist with the elaboration of assessments and recommendations on the socio-economic aspects of these new uses and their potential local implementation. GSTP also provided advice and expertise on bio-technological aspects of the project. To date, we have suceeded in the commercialization of many scientific ideas. We will oversee a successful future implementation of the outcomes of the SUBMARINER project in Poland.


logo_gstpPiotr Maksys
Gdańsk Science and Technology Park
ul. Trzy Lipy 3
80172 Gdańsk
Phone +48 504 65 44 39
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For more information on the SUBMARINER Network,
please visit the Network's own new website at