New folder on potential Algae Uses
The Danish Algae Innovation Centre has just published a new folder called "Innovative paths towards a future bio-based society" on potential uses of algae.
The Algae Innovation Center is researching the potential of different algae usesto contribute to local development and regeneration on Lolland-Falster, a peripheral region in the Southern part of Denmark.
Read more and download the folder here.
SUBMARINER Compendium released for consultation and contributions
The SUBMARINER Compendium has been designed to provide, for the first time, a comprehensive picture of the contribution the Baltic Sea Region can make to European wide initiatives on Blue Growth and a sustainable bioeconomy. The current state of knowledge has been gathered and set against the backdrop of environmental, institutional and regulatory conditions for all innovative marine uses investigated within the SUBMARINER project.
Stakeholders from across the Baltic Sea Region and beyond are now invited to contribute to the ongoing consultation process of the current version of the SUBMARINER Compendium. Click here to learn more.
Public Consultation on "Marine Knowledge 2020" Green Paper open until 15 December
A public consultation on the topic "Marine Knowledge 2020: from seabed mapping to ocean forecasting" has been opened by DG Mare. Until 15 December 2012, all citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation and to comment on the Green Paper on Marine Knowledge 2020.
The Marine Knowledge 2020 initiative brings together marine data from different sources with the aim of helping industry, public authorities and researchers find the data and make more effective use of them as well as improving our understanding of how the seas behave.
This consultation aims to understand stakeholders' opinions on options for future governance of the EU's Marine Knowledge 2020 initiative and on the possible involvement of the private sector.
More details can be found at
Review of Åland Aquaculture Week now available
Impressions and presentations from the Åland Aquaculture Week can now be found here. The Åland Aquaculture Week was organised jointly by the projects Aquabest and SUBMARINER. It offered a platform for cooperation and networking among different stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region‘s aquaculture industry, such as policy makers, feed manufacturers, fish and mussel farmers. Discussions focused on ways towards a sustainable development of the region‘s future aquaculture.
As a follow-up publication of the event, SUBMARINER will produce a short magazine assembling the perspectives on the potential of mussel farming in the Baltic Sea Region.
SUBMARINER Blue Biotechnology Perspectives now available
Can the Baltic Sea Region be a model region for Blue Biotechnology? And which steps have to be taken to further strengthen the region's competetitiveness in this field? These were some of the leading questions that were discussed at the SUBMARINER Blue Biotechnology Cooperation Event in Kiel, Germany in May 2012.
The perspectives from this Cooperation Event have now been assembled in our latest publication: "Blue Biotechnology in the Baltic Sea Region: New Strategies and Future Perspectives". The contributions are based on the presentations held at the SUBMARINER Blue Biotechnology Cooperation Event. They form an important input to the policy recommendations for furthering beneficial marine uses that the SUBMARINER project is currently developing.
Click here to download the Blue Biotechnology Perspectives as a PDF file. Impressions from the event as well as presentations are available here.
More Articles...
- SUBMARINER partner Norgenta hosted Marine Biotech Meeting at the BIO International Convention
- Discuss a sustainable Baltic Sea aquaculture at the Åland Aquaculture Week!
- SUBMARINER presented at Annual Forum on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
- SUBMARINER releases "Innovative Marine Uses at a Glimpse"
- Wave generator developed in SUBMARINER awarded first prize in innovation contest
- SUBMARINER Blue Biotechnology Cooperation Event a Success!
- Public consultation on blue growth open until 11 May 2012
- "SUBMARINER and Green Growth" Workshop
- SUBMARINER to host algae cooperation event
- SUBMARINER Algae Cooperation Event a Success!